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Do you suffer from a chronic wound that can’t seem to heal? Our experienced wound care physicians provide quality care to wounds on the legs, ankles, feet, and toes. Maybe you have been to a local wound care center or treated by your family doctor and you need a different type of care to get back to normal life. Those who suffer from chronic wounds understand the headaches and worry involved with open sores on their extremity. Dressing changes, antibiotics, numerous doctors appointments, and even hospitalizations; these are all stresses involved with chronic wounds. 


Wound Care Access is a Big Problem.

Restore Blood Flow. Prevent Infection. Stop the Pressure.

Over seven million people live daily with chronic wounds in the US alone. The most common cause of wounds are due to pressure, followed by diabetic ulcerations due to the growing diagnosis of Diabetes in the American population. There are many things that lead to non-healing wounds including vascular disease, trauma, infection, pressure and inadequate access to care.



A diabetic wound can come in many forms on the feet, heels, ankles, or toes for those patients who suffer from diabetes. Diabetes effects blood flow and the sense of feeling.  In many patients, there is little to no feeling in the feet and the patient doesn’t even realize they have an open sore.  In other patients, blood flow is compromised which leads to chronic non healing. Our team has protocols that work to resolve diabetic wounds quickly. Our goal is to prevent amputations and get our diabetic patients back to a normal life, free of dressing changes and doctor appointments



A major source of wounds around or near the ankle are vascular related. Blood flow is a must for wound healing! Any issues with blood flow can cause a major delay in wound healing. Without blood flow, tissue becomes “dead” or necrotic, leading to a yellow looking film over the wound.  Once the yellow “stuff” develops, infection can set in leading to a bone infection.  A major belief in our protocols is to restore blood flow, treat and prevent infection, and to offload the wound.  If you suspect a vascular wound, please make an appointment with our team right away.

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